Mike Dowling Sheet Music - Items tagged as "Guitar tab"
When the late, great Vassar Clements heard Mike Dowling play guitar back in 1975 he did the sensible thing. He hired him. Clements called him simply, "One of the finest guitarists there is, anywhere". Quickly gaining recognition as the rare artist who teaches as well as he plays, Mike is a popular instructor at guitar camps in the U.S. and Europe and has authored instructional DVDs and books. He's released nine critically-acclaimed albums and shares a Grammy with fingerstyle comtemporaries for his contribution to a Henry Mancini compilation recording called Pink Guitar. Unique among guitarists who's singular goal is to master a distinctive style, Mike has mastered many. From lush bottleneck slide compositions on his signature National guitar to vintage jazz or Latin interpretations on archtop, flattop or resonators alike, his deep understanding of the instrument, coupled with innate musicality and understated mastery has secured his place among the premier acoustic guitarists of his generation.